The Importance of Information Technologies

Information technology transforms companies, organizations and individuals as effectively as electricity and steam. They’re enabling a new economic revolution, empowering business owners with the tools to reduce costs, improve communication and establish brand recognition. create more innovative products and services. From a corporate standpoint IT is comprised of computer hardware, software and Telecommunications networks thatContinue reading «The Importance of Information Technologies»

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Board Directors Meetings

A well-organized meeting of your board of directors can help you to make informed and ethical decisions. The board needs to be able to scrutinize documents, discuss, and reach a consensus on complex issues. Documentation is vital to allow for future reference and to ensure compliance. The process can be difficult to navigate, but ensuringContinue reading «Avoiding Common Mistakes in Board Directors Meetings»

Getting on a Board of Directors and Stakeholders

As board members and other stakeholders who interact with a business, they must be aware of its objectives, strategies and risks. They must also be aware of their obligations and roles to ensure that the business is legally run and in the best interests of employees, shareholders, and all other stakeholders. It is crucial toContinue reading «Getting on a Board of Directors and Stakeholders»

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